Stretch pizza crust

Calling All Home Pizza Chefs!

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During the worst of the pandemic, a lot of people learned to do things in their kitchens they’d never done before: bake sourdough bread, perfect cake decorating, make pancakes with their kids. And many of you turned to pizza, though—sometimes—with less-than-stellar results. (That’s okay: we know you tried!)

There’s nothing quite like being in a pizzeria while your pie’s being baked at high heat, smelling the delightful odors wafting from the oven, sharing a Colorado brew with your friends. And we’re happy that’s all returning to our lives.

But the truth is that sometimes you really do just want to stay in and relax. Can you do it and still have a taste of your favorite Pizzeria Locale?

The answer is—yes. You may not have one of our super-hot ovens at home, but we can teach you how to make our dough and the all-important proper technique for stretching Neapolitan pizza!

We want you to feel as comfortable making pizza in your kitchen as we are in ours. So let’s start with the basics: at Pizzeria Locale, we make our dough using only four ingredients: flour, yeast, water, and salt. That’s it! Add some pizza sauce and your favorite toppings, and you’re good to go.

Not convinced? How about if we walk you through it together, step by step? 

A few times a year we offer free virtual Dough from Scratch classes via Zoom. You’ll learn how to make our amazing four-ingredient pizza dough at home using  flour, water, yeast and salt. We’ll teach you how to stretch the perfect pizza crust by hand and to bake a delicious pizza in your own oven.

You’ll need to provide and assemble your own ingredients before you tune in. You can watch from anywhere (though we really do recommend the kitchen!) Before your class starts, we’ll send you all the details you’ll need, but here’s a quick advanced snapshot of what to have ready when the class begins: 

  • 3.5 cups flour (“00” flour is preferred—it’s what we use, and we can give you a lot of excellent reasons to choose it—but not absolutely required. It really is the secret to great homemade crispy crust. If that sounds good, you can purchase our flour here: Pizzeria Locale Pantry)
  • 1 Tsp dry active yeast (Fleishmann’s brand works great) 
  • 1.5 cups cold tap water 
  • 2 & 1/4 Tsp sea salt 
  • Tomato sauce (Our recipe is right here: Pizzeria Locale Recipes)
  • Your favorite pizza toppings, of course! 

On the day of your class, assemble your ingredients, locate a smooth working space on your counter, and tune in! Chef Jordan will answer all your questions live during the program, so if you’ve ever had uncertainty, issues, or things you don’t understand about making pizza at home, this is the perfect chance to troubleshoot with a pro!

Ready to give it a try? Then all you have to do is join our mailing list so you’ll get first access to reservations for the next pizza class!

There are a whole lot of reasons for taking one of Pizzeria Locale’s free virtual classes. One is that pizza-making at home is simply a lot of fun. Another? You can add as many weird and wild toppings as you’d like. It also makes for a great family activity. 

And, honestly, making pizza at home is as simple as it’s delicious. Chef Jordan is ready to be your mentor, so why not give it a try… and sign up today?